
MultiPheno is software that implements a novel method for simultaneous association of a genetic variant that has both the case/control status and the clinical covariate. Our method combines the liability threshold framework with multivariate methods. Specifically, our method explicitly handles the issue of ascertainment/selection bias by developing an expectation-maximization algorithm for estimating the model parameters, which reweighs the individuals to correct for the ascertainment bias.

MultiPheno was created by Fernando Crespo.

Download MultiPheno.


  • v1.0.0 (2016-11-02) Preliminary version of MultiPheno was deployed


Coming soon.


Michael Bilow, Fernando Crespo, Zhicheng Pan, Eleazar Eskin, and Susana Eyheramendy. Simultaneous modeling of disease status and clinical phenotypes to increase power in GWAS. Genetics, in press (2016)


For specific questions or bug report about the MultiPheno software, please email Fernando Crespo (facrespo [at] gmail [dot] com).
