The current R implementation of ICE may take a long time for a large number of probes with many SNPs. We are planning to shortly provide a faster version of ICE with C implmentation. In the meantime, please try to partition the SNP files into small pieces to run in parallel in a cluster if higher computational efficiency is needed.

Here is a minimal description of the usage of current R implementation.

  1. Download ICE.tar.gz or to your local computer and uncompress it. Make sure that there are ICE.R (source file), (test snp files), (test expression files).
  2. Run R and type the following commands
    > source('ICE/ICE.R')
    > snps <- as.matrix(read.table('ICE/'))
    > exprs <- as.matrix(read.table('ICE/'))
    > rst <- ICE.REMLt.batch(exprs,snps)
    The last line may take up to 30 minutes.
  3. For more sophisticated options with different context of eQTL mapping, please contact Hyun Min Kang