
The latest version is v0.5 (linux only) (compiled with Java 1.7) (Compiled with Intel 18.0.3 compiler. Please try this if you encounter seg fault or tissue-by-tissue results give very different results from linear regression in R) (compiled with Java 1.7)

Old versions: (not recommended to use) (compiled with Java 1.7) This version contains JAR files compiled with Java 1.6. Please replace MetaTissueInputGenerator.jar and Metasoft.jar in above zip file with ones in this zip file.


Version history

    v0.5 (September 8, 2017): more options for MetaTissueMM

    1. Added support to display all of Metasoft statistics.

    v0.4 (September 18, 2014): more options for MetaTissueMM

    1. Added support for covariate and dosage. Please see Install for file formats and options.

    v0.3 (July 17, 2013): bug fix and more options for MetaTissueMM

    1. Changed all options to long option.

    2. Added new more powerful random effects model (set as default).

    3. Added --cisonly option that performs only cis analysis.

    4. Added --heuristic option that enables heuristic for standard error.

    5. Added --savebeta option that saves beta and correlation files (if not set, delete files).

    6. Fixed a few bugs that crashed MetaTissueMM.

    v0.2 (March 27, 2013): bug fix and more options for MetaTissueMM

    1. Added -t option that performs TBT only.

    2. Added -d option that changes the number of digits to output.

    3. Automatically gzip output files of MetaTissueMM and Metasoft.

    4. Fixed a few bugs that crashed MetaTissueMM.

    5. Fixed other minor bugs.

    v0.1 (February 9, 2013): The first version to be released

    Contact: Jae Hoon Sul (jhsul at cs dot ucla dot edu)